Upwey Scouts

© 2015 Upwey Scouts


New Leaders Welcome!

Young people need leadership. They need the guidance of informed and caring adults to develop self-reliance, initiative and responsibility.

The world-wide Scout Movement offers this guidance through our Leaders, a team of dedicated, self-motivated individuals who take the time and the interest to help on a voluntary basis.

If you care about the future generation, if you want to contribute, to learn about yourself and other people and want to have fun doing it, then we want you to join us as a Leader.

Take Interest In The Community
Leaders care not only about the young people under their guidance, but also about the communities in which they live. As a Leader, you'll be actively involved in planning and implementing projects to help your local community, and in expanding the community awareness of the young people in your group. You'll encourage a sense of responsibility and goodwill by participating together in activites. And you'll be helping to develop a future generation capable of making a positive contribution to the world in which they live.

Interest Yourself
The training program for Leaders is suited to the level of commitment you choose and is full of interest. If you're interested in the 6-7 year old age group you'll be a Joey Scout Leader helping young children take one of their first steps out into the world beyond their family and school.

If you're interested in the 8-10 year old age group, you'll lead a Cub Scout Pack, which still requires a fair amount of adult supervision.

If you're interested in the 11-14 year old age group, you'll lead a Scout Troop, which demands less direct leadership, but definite help in training for indoor and outdoor activities.

If you're interested in working with older age groups, the 14-17 year old Venturer Scouts require a special kind of Leader. These young men and women need more of a friend than a supervisor. They need someone they can turn to for guidance and help who has time and inclination to understand them. And the 18-26 year old Rovers have a Crew Adviser, a mature age person who maintains close contact and is called on for help and advice as needed.

As a Leader you'll carry out a specific type of program for each Section and you'll have as much fun as your Section members. Just ask our other Leaders.

Interest Others
You can interest others in working as a team and in participating in indoor and outdoor activities. The other Leaders you will meet in Scouting all have similar concerns to yours.

Sometimes you can spend an evening in somebody's home, or spend a day trying out practical ideas to use in your Section. The Scout Association also has excellent weekend residence facilities for you to use on group weekend occasions. It's all busy, creative, good fellowship. You'll also be meeting other experienced people who are anxious that you enjoy your Scouting work and get the most out of it. Together you can share your interests, plan programs and discover resources.

Interest Has Its Rewards
By taking an interest, by becoming involved, you'll find the experience of being a Leader has its own rewards. You'll find enormous satisfaction in helping young people achieve. Their achievements will be your achievements too. You can feel proud of their successes, and be spurred on by their progress.

Your ability to relate to your Section members will give you a sense of growing accomplishment as their trust and confidence in you grows. And you'll know that you're helping young people to shape their lives and that means doing something significant for the future.

If you're interested, there's only one thing left for you to do! Contact the Group Leader at Upwey Scout Group. There's a world full of interest, fulfilment and enthusiastic youngsters out there waiting for you to begin.