Each Scout Group has its own Committee of Management called a Group Committee. This committee is generally made up of parents, adult friends and carers of the youth and it ensures that the voluntary Leaders of the Group have the resources available to deliver quality Scouting. The committee assists the Group Leader (leader in Charge of the Scout Group) with the financial management of the Scout Group so the Leaders can put all their efforts into running active and exciting programs for the youth of the Group. Scout Groups always welcome interested parents and friends to assist their Leaders by helping at meeting nights, serving on the Group committee or becoming an Adult Supporter or a Leader.
Composition and role of the Group Committee :
• Consists of the Group Leader and non-uniformed people (all the parents of the youth members and members of the local community) who are appointed by a simple majority at an annual meeting and is chaired by a Chairman (who is not the Group Leader)
• Ensures that the Group has adequate funding to enable it to provide high quality programs at an acceptable cost
• Ensures that proper records are kept and that all funds are accounted for in accordance with Branch procedures and statutory requirements
• Ensures there are suitable premises to enable the Group to carry out its training program.
• Purchases equipment required by the Sections in liaison with the Group Council
• Maintains the Group’s equipment and premises
• Assists the Group Leader to recruit, retain and support Leaders for all Sections
• Holds an annual general meeting at which its members (other than the Group Leader) are elected and at which the audited financial accounts of the Group and the annual reports of the Group Leader, Section Leaders and the Group Committee and others are presented.
Common responsibilities of each of the Group Council and the Group Committee:
• Assist the Group Leader with the formulation and implementation of the Group plan
• Establish and maintain good relationships with other community organisations and community leaders generally.
• Co-operate with and maintain good relations with other youth organisations in the community, particularly Guides Australia.
• Develop good relations with community leaders to enhance the community perception of Scouting.
• Develop the Group to its maximum potential and increase membership to make Scouting available to more young people in the community.
• Develop and encourage a friendly atmosphere in the Group so that new members and their families feel welcome.